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    Welcome:Beijing Plink Ai Technology Co.,LTD.Service Hotline:+86-400-127-3302
    Language: Chinese ∷  English


    Install gpiod

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install gpiod
    Six command-line tools are available:
    * gpiodetect - list all gpiochips present on the system, their names, labels
                   and number of GPIO lines
    * gpioinfo   - list all lines of specified gpiochips, their names, consumers,
                   direction, active state and additional flags
    * gpioget    - read values of specified GPIO lines
    * gpioset    - set values of specified GPIO lines, potentially keep the lines
                   exported and wait until timeout, user input or signal
    * gpiofind   - find the gpiochip name and line offset given the line name
    * gpiomon    - wait for events on GPIO lines, specify which events to watch,
                   how many events to process before exiting or if the events
                   should be reported to the console

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install nvidia-jetpack


    Terminal command line execution :nvcc  -V,

    If prompted:bash: nvcc: command not found

    Then the leading environment variable:

    $  export  PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11/bin:$PATH

    $  export  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

    Then run the nvcc-V command.


    Terminal command line execution:

    $  dpkg  --list  | grep  cudnn


    Terminal command line execution:

    $  dpkg  --list  | grep  libopencv


    Terminal command line execution:

    $  pip   list   |  grep  tensorrt

    $ sudo apt-get install netplan.io -y

    $ cd /etc/netplan

    $ sudo vim 01-network-manager-all.yaml

    Add the following, save and exit after adding:
        version: 2
        renderer: NetworkManager
            eth0:  # Network device name:
                mtu: 9000 #If this parameter is added to the mtu value, it takes effect only after the system is restarted.
                addresses: []  # Fill in the IP address, followed by a /24
                dhcp4: no  # Example Disable IPv4 to automatically obtain an IP address
                dhcp6: no  # Example Disable IPv6 to automatically obtain an IP address
                gateway4:  # Note The first three bits of the gateway must be the same as the first three bits of the IP address.
                    addresses: [,] # Set the IP addresses of the active and standby servers for DNS resolution. If there are multiple IP addresses, separate them with commas (,), but do not contain Spaces

    $ sudo  netplan apply        # Or directly restart the system

    echo 255 > /sys/kernel/debug/tegra_fan/target_pwm   (L4T Old version)


    echo 255 >/sys/devices/pwm-fan/target_pwm


    echo  255 > /sys/devices/platform/pwm-fan/hwmon/hwmon1/device/hwmon/hwmon1/pwm1   (Jetpack5.*)

    Run command:

    head -n 1 /etc/nv_tegra_release

    Add the "options bcmdhd op_mode=2" to the /etc/modprobe.d/bcmdhd.conf file and reboot the system.

    Technical Support

    Email: gcs@plink-ai.com

    Add: Hidian District,Beijing 100013,P.R.China

    热视频精品在线视频精品,日本午夜免a费看大片中文4,在线观看亚洲无码sv,免费国产无码不卡 免费无码一区二区精品视频 永久免费无码国产
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